Monday, May 28, 2012

What we have been up to

Sorry you guys I know that I have no posted lately, it is not that we haven't been doing anything because we have it has just been sheer chaos around here. Last weekend was me and Chris' anniversary,  and Aydan had a school project that I could have swore was due last Monday.  So Friday was working on  a few special orders for Chris' brother, Saturday me and Chris got  a sitter and actually had alone time, when we did get home we went to work on Aydan's school project. He had to make an animal habitat. Well you know us we cant do anything with out  going over board. Chris actually got involved with this one... I WAS SUPER EXCITED ABOUT IT.
This is what it ended up looking like. It is an elephant habitat. The only constraints were the size and that it had to have a food and water source.. Chris had the bright idea to use saw grass, though he didn't put it on the project.  All and all it turned out great but I am still trying to figure out how to remove the tack spray from the kitchen floor.  I still love those silly boys!

I have been BUSY BUSY BUSY.
First I started to clean up my etsy account. This included taking better pictures and learning the whole sales and description process. I have to admit that I am still learning, so this is a work in progress. Here are some of the projects that I have gotten complete!

This is my bender hat. I was going to make several but I have decided that this is going to be one of those made to order things because it was a royal pain in my a**! If you are interest in a Bender hat please feel free to follow the link and place an order Bender Bending Rodriguez!!

This is my monkey hat. I honestly have had this done for a while. I had to take new pictures of it because the pictures that I did have served it NO justice..brown monkey

Well I will add more later

Monday, May 14, 2012

5/11- 5/18 Working that loom magic

This weekend we tried to take it easy. On Thursday Aydan had a half day of school for the Tulip Time Parade ( we did not brave the crowds and go downtown). Instead we ventured to Hobby Lobby. I found out that  it is an equally dangerous place for Aydan as it for me.  I swear I could have a million dollars to spend there and still wouldnt have  everything there that I would like. Well we searched for different projects and decided on origami and the little red loom that we all had as kids. For those of us who didnt here is the tutorial

You want to then take the nylon strips and stretch them across the the loom  to the  peg on the opposite side.  I  had Aydan  use two separate colors so that you could see the contrast. There  is 18 pegs on each side so that means you will need a total of 36  strips to complete this project.

The next step is to weave a strip through the existing base strips. I also used contrast colors for this step also so that you can see the work as it processes.

This is what the process will look like in after your first step is complete. For the next step you are going to want  to do the same as the first but as oppose to going under the first strip  you want to go over it. Basically you will be doing the opposite every row.

Once you work all of the pegs your project will resemble this.

If you turn the project over it will resemble this.

To finish the project off we need to remove it from the pegs. If you have younger children working on the project I would reccomend that you assist them at this point. I have finished all of Aydan's thus far. What you do is you grab the first loop after you get that secure in your hands you then take the next one and pull it through the first loop. Your second loop then becomes your first.

You continue this over and over. It will look awkward at first but it will come together.

Keep going up to and around the corner.

Complete this all the way around the project.  On the final loop you want to pull it up and secure it with a knot.

And then ta da!!
Sorry about the terrible pictures.. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Aydan will have this and several more up on Etsy by the end of the week. I will make sure to update this with a link.
Have fun!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

5/4- 5/11 Origami Frog Tutorial

Aydan did this project this weekend. In the tutorial  I am going to include  pictures from Aydan's experience and an easier to see  model that I am going to show you.  I have found fantastic Origami Instructions with an array of difficulties...  Lets get started!!

Materials Needed
A rectangular piece of paper- this can be origami paper but it doesn't need to be. I have been successful with using computer paper, construction paper, and lined paper. If you are interested in purchasing origami paper I found it decently priced  here!

You Will need to start with a rectangular piece of paper, as seen below
This is the origami paper, what is nice about this is that there is one side that is white and one side that is colored it allows you to have a contrast. If you are using origami paper make sure that the white side is up when starting this project.

Just so that I can show the steps more clearly with better detail than with Aydan's Expirence I will be using construction paper.  

Have fun!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What the windy city blew in 5/4- 5/11

The Windy City blew Caroline in from across the pond YAY!  Here's to a fun filled weekend! Today (Sat) was suppose to be nice, well it  is about 65 degrees and raining, it kind of changed our plans  of going to Tulip Time. This is not much of a disappointment  to me considering I really  dislike the copious amount of tourist that flock to the city and make the it a driving hazard for all of the locals.   When I woke up this morning it was raining BLAH and so our plans for pictures, Tulip Time, and walking the Pier at Holland State Park. 

Instead we are going to be filling our weekend  full of quality time and creating.   We are doing everything from paper art, painting, making finger and hand puppets, to crocheting and attempting to learn the Knook.  Scarlett got to paint  for the first time today (sat) and lets just say "Thank god that paint is washable!"
Scarlett's First  Masterpiece

I painted with my nose

I tried to get a picture of how much she had in her hair, it didnt work she is a wiggle worm

This is getting bleached...

There will be more to come later with more tutorials...